Thursday, June 3, 2010

3?aK Episode 9: Hotwheels McGregor (The Earps)

Back in 2007, when I was the music writer for College Times, Kip Winger blew me off for an interview because he was on “vocal lockdown.” I didn’t want to see the questions I’d prepared go to waste, so for the next year, I asked everyone I interviewed if they’d be willing to get into character and answer the following “Three Questions as Kip.”

If you're new to 3?aK and want a more detailed history of how this project came to be, click here.

OK, now that you're up to speed, let's get on with the show. Playing the role of Kip Winger for this installment of 3?aK will be Hotwheels McGregor of Phoenix cowpunk band the Earps.

3?aK Episode 9: Hotwheels McGregor (The Earps)

1. We've already seen disco and '80s synth pop make comebacks. Do you think a hair metal renaissance is right around the corner?

I definitely think hair metal will make a comeback. Actually, we’re doing a show in Oklahoma. It’s called "Rocklahoma." We’re playing that in a little bit and personally, I think we’re gonna be the best band on the bill. My vocals are second to none.

2. Can you let our readers in on your secret to maintaining the perfect 5 o'clock shadow?

Well the secret to maintaining the perfect 5 o’clock shadow is that a gentleman never tells his secret. When I did the video for “She’s Only Seventeen” and I was in that little bathroom and everything, it’s basically one of those things where you take six months to grow, then you just trim it neatly and you just act like you didn’t shave the day after.

3. What have you been up to for the last 15 years?

Actually, after I built my house in Santa Fe I started studying interpretive dance. And then if you look at my MySpace, I’ve got that douche bag over in Europe that started doing some weird, eclectic music. So now, I think I’m just gonna go ahead and uh, I don’t know, I’ll probably just go to New York again. I’ve been bouncing back and forth from Denver to New York, ‘cause that’s where I grew up.

Go to Episode 10.

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